Improving Mobility Access through Complete Streets and Mobility Management

  • Author:
  • Source: National Center for Mobility Management
  • Date: 05/07/2018

"Never before has there been such a focus on integrating mobility practices and transportation services to ensure a seamless continuum of safe, reliable, and efficient options. Policy initiatives related to Mobility Management and Complete Streets result in changing the design and delivery of community infrastructure and services so that community opportunities are equitable and accessible to all residents. This is an exciting and important time to ensure that national, regional, or local work focusing on mobility management and Complete Streets is connected and interwoven. A deliberate focus on integration does not minimize the importance, strategic direction, or potential impact of either of these initiatives; rather, cross-fertilization of policies and practices that are associated with each other yield sustainable and comprehensive supports in a community that result in improved accessibility, navigability, and livability.

In this brief, the National Center for Mobility Management takes a look at mobility management and Complete Streets concepts and then identifies examples of communities where the initiatives — including the people and organizations that lead these efforts— collaborate to establish connected programs. We identify opportunities for mobility management professionals to consider a focus on Complete Streets projects in their work. The philosophy and operations of mobility management and Complete Streets are more similar than not. Both have the purpose of enhancing access, mobility, and equity in communities. Professionals in each of these sectors have opportunities to leverage resources and build sustainable and vibrant projects that ultimately affect the well-being of our communities."

Final NCMM Complete Streets Brief 5.7.18


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