Dutch cycling: Quantifying the health and related economic benefits

  • Author: Elliot Fishman, PhD, Paul Schepers, PhD, and Carlijn Barbara Maria Kamphuis, PhD
  • Source: American Journal of Public Health
  • Date: 04/15/2015

"The Netherlands are well-known for their high bicycle usage. The approach of the Health Economic Assessment Tool and life table calculations were used to quantify the population-level health benefits due to Dutch cycling levels. The results show that, due to cycling, about 6,500 deaths are prevented each year, Dutch people have half-a-year longer life expectancy, and that these health benefits translate in economic benefits corresponding to some 3% of Dutch GDP. Our study confirms that investments in bicycle-promoting policies (e.g. improved bicycle infrastructure and facilities) are likely to yield a high benefit-cost ratio in the long term."

Dutch cycling: Quantifying the health and related economic benefits
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