Disruptive Innovations in Ridesharing webinar

  • Author: Susan Shaheen, Sunil Paul, Timothy Papandreou, Larry Filler
  • Source: National Center for Transit Research
  • Date: 04/18/2013

On April 17, 2013, NCTR and the Ridesharing Institute co-hosted “Disruptive Innovations in Ridesharing”. The recording and handouts are below. Overview: Transportation systems in many North American cities are being disrupted by the arrival of a new form of ridesharing: the “smart-phone dispatched shared ride”. Some claim these are unregulated taxis, while others see this as the key to unlocking the empty-seat resource to reduce congestion. Some regulators are fighting back, while others are changing laws to make it easier for the newcomers.
In their paper, Ridesharing in North America: Past, Present, and Future, Susan Shaheen and Nelson Chan explored the history of this energy conserving and congestion reducing transport mode, and envisioned a future that didn’t anticipate arranging private transportation for customers ‘on-demand’ via smart-phone apps. And yet within two years services these ‘instant ride-sourcing’ services such as Uber, SideCar, Lyft, and Hailo are the ones setting an aggressive pace for reform. Now the content is being updated, and the future re-envisioned in real time.

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