How to pass a transit referendum

  • Author: Owain James
  • Source: Mobility Lab
  • Date: 04/17/2018

"Unfortunately, we are no longer in the era where local municipalities can expect federal and state dollars to provide the majority of funding for transportation projects.

While there is still federal grant money available, these are not unconditional and require local funding and, as the president’s waffling on the omnibus spending bill, even this cannot be counted on.

Despite Washington’s parsimony, cities and counties still desire to build modern transit systems. Their solution? Transit referendums.

Referendums, proposals that are referred by lawmakers to the voters to approve or reject, have become an increasingly common way local governments fund projects even when their constituents are resistant to higher taxes. By using referendums, voters can weigh in on whether or not they agree with that one particular use for taxes."

Open Article


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