Estimating Benefits of Microtransit for Social Determinants of Health: A Social ROI Model

  • Date: 11/06/2023

Lack of transportation services in low-income communities greatly affects people’s health and well-being, creating barriers to social determinants of health (SDOH). One potential solution that has gained the attention of US decision-makers in recent years is microtransit, a transportation intervention aimed at addressing this issue. Despite promising results from prior microtransit implementation, the extent to which these programs deliver social benefits remains uncertain. This study presents a novel model called Social Return on Investment System Dynamics (SROISD) to forecast the social benefits of a microtransit program in Holmes County, Mississippi. Outcomes mapped relative to three SDOH areas (1) accessing healthcare, (2) accessing employment, and (3) social participation indicate an overall positive return from investing in microtransit within the low-income community of interest. Additionally, ridesharing demonstrates a significant positive correlation with the SROI ratio. These findings offer support for the advantages of investing in microtransit.

Open Article


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