The Design Challenge 2015 grants were part of the Federal Transit Administration's "Rides to Wellness" initiative, a key component of the agency's Ladders of Opportunity program. Sixteen communities were given grants to design innovative transportation solutions related to healthcare access; their work was completed in March 2016.
Learn more about the teams' work:
- The Power of Design Thinking in Solving Transportation Challenges
- Measuring the Impact of Mobility on People’s Health Outcomes
- Go Buffalo Moms: Improving Transportation Access for Pregnant Women
- Expanding Capacity to Provide Transportation to Ongoing Dialysis Appointments
- Preventing Patient Re-Hospitalizations: Successful Transportation is Part of the Solution
- The Importance of Consistency and Predictability in Transportation Services for Behavioral Health Patients
- Forging Partnerships Between Healthcare Facilities and the Transportation Agencies that Serve Their Patients
Listen to the teams pitch their solutions
- Healthcare Access Mobility Design Challenge 2015 grantees' business pitches (delivered in February 2016)
- Learn more about how to apply design thinking to mobility challenges at the Design Thinking for Mobility website or by taking NCMM's free online course, Creating Innovative Transportation Solutions
- Contact Amy Conrick ( at the Community Transportation Association of America about the grant projects