New report finds California’s electric transportation workforce will nearly double by 2024

  • Date: 04/22/2021

Key findings include:

  • California is the leading state for this sector, with jobs found in 55 of its 58 counties. Concentrated numbers of ET workers are located in the Bay Area (specifically Alameda County), Capital Region, and Southern California, plus San Bernardino, San Joaquin, Riverside, and Yolo counties.
  • The ET workforce is projected to see strong growth, nearly doubling the number of workers by 2024. As the central production hub for the most popular electric vehicles (EVs) on the market today, California employs an estimated 35,000 ET-related workers and is projected to add another 33,000 jobs by 2024.
  • ET activity accounted for $4.5 billion in Gross State Product (GSP), about equivalent to the GSP contributions of industries such as General Automotive Repair, Semiconductor Machinery Manufacturing, and Breweries in the state in 2019.
  • A range of occupations and skill sets are needed for ET work in California. The design and production of both software and hardware for ET goods means that a wide variety of workers with an array of skills are needed. This means growth in ET jobs presents a range of career opportunities for a broad subset of workers.
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