"This brief is part of the “Promising Practices in Mobility Management” series. The series has been created for mobility management practitioners to help advance the adoption of transportation coordination and other strategies that lead to responsive, customer-centered transportation services. All briefs in the series—covering the topics of coordinated transportation planning , technology in coordination, one-call/one-click services, mobility management, and performance measurement— are available on the relevant “By Topic” page at http://nationalcenterformobilitymanagement.org.
It is important for the field to feel confident that a particular practice holds “promise” for achieving its desired results. When there is an objective and systematic process in place to determine whether a practice is promising, professionals in the field, who are making decisions about the relevance and value of particular practices for their own settings, will have increased confidence that a particular practice will be appropriate for their venue. It is also important for the field to examine each practice in relation to the unique characteristics of their setting.
In NCMM’s work to identify promising practices related to coordinated transportation plans, the plans and accompanying descriptive information submitted by the field was voluntary. Therefore, we thank those organizations that were willing to share their information with NCMM and are grateful for their participation in this systematic review process."