No more buses! East Jackson (WY) ‘microtransit’ begins Nov. 27

  • Date: 11/17/2021

East Jackson START Bus riders be aware: The bus service that used to get you from your normal bus stop to the Miller Park transit hub or elsewhere won’t automatically be there to pick you up beginning Nov. 27.

Two days after the Thanksgiving holiday START will begin its “microtransit” service in East Jackson, replacing the town's circulator route. The Town Shuttle, which has serviced the area for years, will continue to operate on its normal schedule and route. The transition is part of the new route plan being implemented by START, designed to “operate fixed routes more efficiently and provide better service in the dispersed areas of East Jackson,” Community Engagement Specialist Susan Scarlata wrote in an email.

Called “START On Demand,” the microtransit service is intended to take the large buses off of small neighborhood streets while still providing everyone in Jackson the ability to get where they need to go quickly and seamlessly.

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