Bright: An error occurred connecting to the bright server: "Failed to authenticate with Bright server; code 401.".
refresh the current page to try again or contact us at
Bright Support with the following information (below) if the problem persists.
User Agent: CCBot/2.0 (
User Host:
Request URI: /course-summary-report/
User: Bright URL:
Error: Failed to authenticate with Bright server; code 401.
Params: array (
'class' => 'none',
'datatables' => 'yadcf',
'name' => 'ncmm_course_summary_v0',
'pagesize' => '10',
'query_scope' => 'bright',
'fields' => '12',
'headers' => 'Course,Year,Quarter,# Regs,# Complete,% Complete,# Passed,% Passed,# Failed,% Failed,Avg Score, Avg Time(mins)',
'filters' => 'select,select,select',
'usermeta_first_name' => false,
'usermeta_last_name' => false,
'first_name' => false,
'last_name' => false,
'host_url' => '',
'hosturl' => '',
'accessToken' => 'e16f13dc68ca164b7eb571006497a3e8',