Introducing the “Dispatches from the Road to Value” Interview Series

  • Author: Rural Health Network of SCNY
  • Date: October 14, 2020


In New York State, healthcare’s traditional payment structures are shifting from fee-for-service models, in which providers are paid for delivering separate episodes of care, to value-based payment (VBP) models, in which providers are incentivized to move the needle on key health outcomes for their patients. With this new expectation comes increased attention to addressing patients’ non-medical needs such as transportation, food, financial stability, and housing.

To share how community organizations in New York State are responding to the opportunities presented by value-based payment, Rural Health Network of SCNY created a six-episode interview series, Dispatches from the Road to Value, in which the leaders of small and rural service providers discuss their experiences with DSRIP (New York State Medicaid Redesign) and preparing for Value Based Payment. Funding for the series is provided by the New York State Health Foundation and by Care Compass Network.

Transportation’s Value

Transportation providers and mobility management organizations can bring great value to VBP arrangements. There is already evidence that Non-Emergency Medical Transportation (NEMT) improves health outcomes and reduces costs for patients with certain conditions. Beyond NEMT, mobility management and transportation services can connect clients to resources in the community that meet other health-related social needs such as food or employment. On the systems level, hospital systems and payers have shown a willingness to invest in supportive infrastructure – so far, largely in housing as demonstrated by Healthcare Anchor Network initiatives. There may be an opportunity to seek similar investment in transportation infrastructure or promote the strategic placement of affordable housing near public transit, for which the Build Healthy Places Network estimates significant cost savings to residents and healthcare systems.

New York State has made progress toward value-based payment arrangements through the Medicaid Redesign (DSRIP) waiver and continues to encourage this shift in payment models. As health systems and payers gather partners to address health-related social needs, it is important that mobility management be represented.


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